Good morning everyone. I see there's a lot of chat on the leaderboards this morning.

27 Jul 2023, 09:20
Good morning everyone! I see there's a lot of chat on the leaderboards this morning. I want to reassure everyone we're looking into some players for exploitative scores. Let me highlight the new process that we’re doing for you guys: Leaderboards end at 11:59:99 UTC We start reviewing scores from Thursday morning - when we start work. When we find a player that has posted a score that’s not legitimate we remove them and ban them from future contests. This differs from the automated system we had in place previously, which was too harsh on all players. Important to note, this is a process and we will continue to improve how we verify scores as we move forward. Additionally, we need to keep some details about how we do these checks hidden - because otherwise people will adapt.